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Wade Baker

General Information

Wade Baker
Artist Name: Wade Baker
Genre(s): Blues,Jazz
Years Active: 2009 - Present

Band members:
(Bold indicates
current member.)
Related Bands: (unavailable)


The W.B.J.C. was formed in October of 2009 as a means to start a new revolution in the jazz scene of Cincinnati and abroad. It is the W.B.J.C.'s goal to play an eclectic fusion of jazz, hip-hop, funk and groove music while keeping the integrity and spirit of the traditions of the jazz masters we respect so much. Most of the tunes performed live are original compositions or compositions by other band members/close friends' of band members which makes the listener's experience truly experimental, new and exclusive. In addition to playing new music, the band also performs standard jazz repertoire with more modern arrangements of the tunes, developed by members of the group. It is the W.B.J.C.'s main objective to continue the growth and development of jazz music as well as make it a more accessible vehicle for younger generations to love and appreciate truly amazing American music.


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